Product data

Disable input unit with timer input BW-201

Disable input unit with timer input. For AutroSafe only.

BW-201 is a disable unit connected to the detection loop. An external timer controls the disablement time for the detection zones. A steady light in the LED indicator on the front indicates that the disablement function is initiated from the external timer.

BW-201 has one (1) monitored input for an external timer, and one (1) output for parallel indication/ control. The output requires separate 24V supply. A maximum of two units can be powered from the detection loop. To connect more than two units to the loop, external 24 V DC power is required.

The unit has a built-in short-circuit isolator. In the event of a short circuit, the short-circuit location will be isolated.

When ordering, please replace XX in part number with country code:

GB: English
S: Swedish

Part number: 116-BW-201/XX


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