Product data

Standard control unit BN-320/SV  (Obsolete)

Standard control unit designed for maritime installations. Connected to detector loop. Designed for use with AutroSafe and AutroMaster 5000. With SelfVerify.

BN-320/SV standard control unit is designed for maritime installations. The unit is connected to the detector loop, and it is designed for use with the AutroSafe Interactive Fire Alarm System, and AutroMaster5000.

Typical applications are interface for section valves, interface for extinguishing agents such as CO2 release, Halon release, Foam, Inergen release etc., interface for dampers and interface for fans.

An open circuit (loss of the 2k on the inputs) gives fault warning. External units require separate power supply (cannot be powered from the detector loop).

The unit has been designed for use with the AutroSafe Fire Alarm System and comprises the SelfVerify® function. This function ensures the highest grade of reliability and reduces the need for manual testing, because all units comprising this function are automatically checked once every 24 hours.

Part number: 116-BN-320/SV


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