Product data

Conduit box BWP-100

For installation of detectors in environments that may be humid/wet.

The conduit box makes the detector terminals dust and jet proof. BWP-100 is suitable for use in environments such as engine rooms, workshops, storerooms, etc.

Terminals for screens are available in the box. Standard detector base BWA-100 is used for connecting and mounting the detector head. BWP-100/20 is the standard version, four knock-outs for mounting of M20 skintop glands. Two cable glands are included with the unit.

Part numbers:

116-BWP-100/20  Standard version, four knockouts for mounting of M20 cable glands.
Two cable glands for 5 - 12 mm wires are included with the unit.
 116-BWP-100/25 Offshore version, four holes, Ø=25 mm, for mounting of glands or blanks (not included with the unit).
Optional cable gland and nuts: for 13 - 18 mm wires or 17 mm wires


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